Bicom Bioresonance
Bicom’s biophysical communication therapy relies on the electromagnetic waves generated by the cells in the body, which allow it to identify and aid chronic pain, allergies, and more. Much like radio waves, or the Schumann resonances emitted by the Earth, these waves can’t be seen, but they carry essential information about what’s going on inside the body’s cells.
Emerging research suggests that while the electromagnetic waves that healthy cells emit are symmetrical and therefore readable by the body’s other cells, unhealthy cells that are encountering a problem (such as chronic arthritic pain) emit waves that are asymmetrical, making it difficult for cells to communicate in any way besides chemical.
Just as a radio can read radio waves, the Bicom device can read the body’s electromagnetic signals. And just as a radio can send out radio waves, the Bicom device can also send new signals to the body that can help correct the asymmetrical frequencies. Bicom therapy, as a biophysical therapy, complements modern medicine, which typically relies on biochemical methods. Following standard of care guidelines, Bicom therapy is often used in addition to modern drugs and treatment methods without adding additional negative side effects.
Though the Bicom reads the body’s electromagnetic waves, it neutralizes distressed (asymmetrical) waves using magnetic frequencies only. This magnetic intervention encourages the body at the cellular level and is effective in helping with allergies, chronic pain, musculoskeletal disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, and lyme disease in animals.
Emerging research suggests that while the electromagnetic waves that healthy cells emit are symmetrical and therefore readable by the body’s other cells, unhealthy cells that are encountering a problem (such as chronic arthritic pain) emit waves that are asymmetrical, making it difficult for cells to communicate in any way besides chemical.
Just as a radio can read radio waves, the Bicom device can read the body’s electromagnetic signals. And just as a radio can send out radio waves, the Bicom device can also send new signals to the body that can help correct the asymmetrical frequencies. Bicom therapy, as a biophysical therapy, complements modern medicine, which typically relies on biochemical methods. Following standard of care guidelines, Bicom therapy is often used in addition to modern drugs and treatment methods without adding additional negative side effects.
Though the Bicom reads the body’s electromagnetic waves, it neutralizes distressed (asymmetrical) waves using magnetic frequencies only. This magnetic intervention encourages the body at the cellular level and is effective in helping with allergies, chronic pain, musculoskeletal disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, and lyme disease in animals.